Cry No More Featured

Cry No More

an alternate cover edition can be found here Count your blessings; they can be snatched away in an instant. It is a sentiment Milla Edge knows too well. With an astonishing blend of savvy, instinct, and passion, Milla displays an uncanny gift for finding lost children. When all seems helpless, desperate souls from across the country come to her for hope and results. Driven by an obsessive desire to fill the void in other people's lives, Milla throws herself into every case - all the while trying to outrun the brutal emotions stemming from a horrific tragedy in her past. Traveling to a small village in Mexico on a reliable tip, Milla begins to uncover the dire fate of countless children who have disappeared over the years in the labyrinth of a sinister baby-smuggling ring. The key to nailing down the organization may rest with an elusive one-eyed man. To find him, Milla joins forces with James Diaz, a suspicious stranger known as the Tracker who conceals his own sinister agenda. As the search intensifies, the mission becomes more treacherous. For the ring is part of something far larger and more dangerous, reaching the highest echelons of power and influence. Caught between growing passion and imminent peril, Milla suddenly finds herself the hunted - in the crosshairs of an invisible, lethal assassin who aims to silence her permanently. Intense emotion . . . potent suspense . . . pounding action. Linda Howard weaves these elements into page-turning fiction. Cry No More is a seductive thriller of heartbreak and obsession that moves with a vengeance. From the Hardcover edition.

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Top Reviews

Linda Howard has been one of my favorite writers for many, many years. I’ve recently been re-reading many of her books. I’m about to start #34. All of them have been fabulous reads, except for one. That one wasn’t quite as enjoyable because the heroine was (In my opinion) too subservient to a man I thought was using her, though still a good read. This book, Cry No More, is a cut above even her best books, perhaps because of the theme — a mother dedicating her entire life to searching for her ...

By Kyong Mraz

Since she has authored so many delicious reads, I know that I can trust a book by Linda Howard. It's never money wasted. Even her worst is better than most author's best. I often reread them rather than buy a new book by someone else (my favorites being After the Night, Now You See Her, and Dream Man).
Cry No More was absolutely outstanding. It was simply impossible to put the book down and go to bed - the last third is soooo compelling - it just blew me away! I loved the strong hero and bra...

By Ranee McLaughlin

The subject matter made this a much sadder and more emotional read than most romances and that is not a bad thing but I felt that a little more attention to the relationship between the main characters would have made this a much more satisfying read and ameliorated the wrenching nature of the subject matter. The last 20% of the book is where the best writing happens and gives the most emotional pay off.

This was well written and the reader can make an emotional investment in the main char...

By Melita Anderson

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